Article archive

18/02/2014 21:32
Slapton Sands Slapton was chosen because it has almost identical format as Utah, where the D day landings were to take place.
13/02/2014 13:57
The Land Girls done work the men at war should be doing but obviously cant. For example working on farms and feeding the animals in the mornings very early. Harvesting and genral farm work. Propaganda was used a lot so make the girls seems happy with their volantry desicion. whereas really it was...
26/01/2014 19:36
The evacuation could have been seen as a bad thing due to some foster families being harsh and beating the children. Other members of the family may have made fun of the 'London Scum'. Some children got sent over seas to other families. Many missed their family at home but soon realised they had to...
26/01/2014 19:20
Our new blog has been launched today. Stay focused on it and we will try to keep you informed. You can read new posts on this blog via the RSS feed.
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